Friday, October 5, 2012

Waktu Luang

hahaha, kebetulan hari ini tuh tadi lagi libur sendirian alias ga masuk kuliah gara-gara kena migran pas bangun pagi (ga ada unsur kesengajaan lho). truss karena bingung ntah mau ngapain di kamar sendirian, akhirnya ngebuka laptop deh diem-diem...

Saturday, July 28, 2012


smelly, dirty, thin, pimply, crazy, not stylized, dreamer, and a little bit ugly...
what on earth i am when i realized its all on me but still wanna go with you?

oh my.. i really should check up my brain for once again to make it sure that i'm not too crazier in this moment..

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Lalalala... with you..

Hhehe.., yesterday was so awesome for me...
I’m walking around almost all the city just by with her...
my heart once again was being so smile...
we laughed, smile, and talk each other without being realize that we’ve already cross the street around 45km.. Hhahahai...  #ohmy

I was wearing a new dress, a special one... J hehe
 in the middle of the street, we talk about the past memories...
a memories that had been happened with us...

Monday, July 2, 2012

a little Accident

you know.., i'm in the way to finished write about my 18th birthday which is still being a draft right now... suddenly my mother told me to deliver something to my grandma house. it's around 15km from my house..

because it's my mother's, there's no way that i can say no.. haha..
so, in the middle of the night me and my cousin across the night with a motorcycle just to deliver a thing called hekter... *oh my...

it was just fine, until we're going back from my grandma house.. i set the gear on 3, suddenly there's a girl who's drive motorcycle too.. she wanted to across the street from another side to the other side without realize that i'm just 2 meter beside her..

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Dear Night...

i was  in front of a window, i look into the sky and play a song from ayaka, "Te Wo Tsunagou"
there's still rains out there, a huge rain...
not so lng after that, my mind were fly.. fly into something so far.. fly in the sky.. and then it's suddenly happen.. i see your face, see you smile once again.. without being realize, i'm just dropped my tears and smile too..

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Useless Gift (a past draft)

crossing over the night.., almost wasn't sleep in a week.., prepare a lot for the final day.., spend much time just for made a bunch of stupid folders to make a cyber labyrinth ... buy a laughing jacket.. make an unacceptable song... and try to arranged it in a freaky cd
and let's see the result.. "bingo! i'm just being a looser!!"

Thursday, May 10, 2012

My Weird Birthday

it's all about 25th June 2011,  it was the first time i had a Birthday in a hospital. Not too bad i think.., but because it was on a hospital.., almost no one came to see me on my 17th birhtday.., there's just my brother and my parents included me on my room..

right in 00.00 am exactly in the midnight, they turn off the light, i think it was natural, but not.. my sister did it. they come sneaky to my room at the eighth floor so i can't hear their voices.. suddenly.. they shocked me out by saying "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" in front of my bed.. and then they   laugh over me while i'm still shocked in the bed.. hahaha...

they got a cake in their hand.. so after it we celebrate my birthday.. i've got my wished.. then we eat the cake together with my family and some nurses. *nurse? where they came from?

right in the afternoon, i was just alone again.., really alone without no one in my side.. i wish someone that i hope to come can come right now and say happy birthday to me.. but it's not happened. i just alone untill evening.. stare at the room sky.. dreaming and getting bored.. suddently... my new hp ringing beside my head...

it was my schoolmate, mala...
i'm not really hope that she call me and say happy birthday, but she did it, thanks. i think it was the end of our conversation, but she said "there's someone who wanna said happy birthday too to me!". i'm not too think about it and just say "yeaah!" because i'm in the middle of highly bored place and time. i turn to smile and really happy after say a girl voice, a little bit shy.. but i know it's she.. my heart beat so fast and just stay shut up until she said "Happy Birthday ya Kah, Moga cepat sembuh dan sehat selalu". i still remember the voice when she said that to me.. i'm really happy in that time.. so i say "makasih ya Ny" and then stay calm again without saying nothing.. i hear some people voices from the phone.. their laughing so loud.. and then i smile alone with a red happy face in the bored room....

night has come, i almost sleep.. but i can't sleep because there's something i wanna do before i sleep..
it's something that i wanna do almost one years ago.. suddently, i'm feeling brave.. i send a sms, to say that i have a feel to the girl that i wanna she come today. i know that my brave s not enough, so i just send a sms, not call her. i'm waiting for the reply but there's nothing.

then i wake up in the morning and open my hp, there's a reply from her.. i was to happy.. but the reply was broken. so without wasting my time, i ask her to send it again because the last was broken one. she send it again and finally i read it.. i'm so happy and cannot say anything because the answer is the same like i do.
hahaaaai.... cyayyacyacyayaaa  \( ^____^")a

but now  it's already changed. her feeling was gone.
then finally i'm just alone and hold this feeling alone.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

25 juni

2 org yg brbeda.., lhir di tnggal yg sama nmun tahun yg beda...
msing2 mmiliki pmahaman n pmikiran yg brbeda..
nmun mmiliki tujuan yg sma..

lhir dri kluarga yg bisa dblg krg brkecukupan., nmun mmiliki keinginan mnjadi org besar.., bukan sprti org besar yg duduk di pmrintahan n mnindas rakyatnya. tpi org bsar yg brguna bgi orang bnyak wlwpun tak bgitu kaya raya...

msalahnya.., salah seorang dri mreka sudah mwjudkan mimpinya dan tlah brguna bgi orang2 di skelilingnya dan bgi dunia..., yg seorang lgi.. msihla mnjadi seseorang yg sdikit mlenceng dri tjuan utama.. mlah mnjadi pmbuat onar..

bgaikn lngit dan bumi memang.., tpi tunggulah bberpa tahun atw puluh thun lgi.. kelak si bocah ingusan itu akan mnunjukan fungsi dan kegunaannya di lhirkan ke bumi trcinta ini..

bbeda skitar 50thn..
2 bocah yg sama.., yg dulunya di pndang sebelah mata krn bukan orang yg berada..
brjanji akan mwujudkan mimpinya..

si ilmuwan fisika dan si calon ilmuan kimia..
si mantan president dan si mantan hacktivism jalanan..
Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie
dan Ahmad Barkah Al-haq